
This breed of working dogs was developed for helping nomads, guarding their caravans and livestock against wild animals and thieves.

Care and Health

Naturally active dog that needs plenty of regular exercises. As a family pet, it loves going out on long, leashed walks with its owner, and free-runs in a large, fenced area.

Fun Fact

These fearless dogs were robust enough to challenge predators like mountain lions, wolves, and bears.

Good For

Livestock guardian dog


They can also be extremely friendly and affectionate and tend to form deep emotional bonds with their 'pack members'. However, their independent minds also make them incompatible with the Western lifestyle. They are prone to aggression towards most other dogs, and often humans, who encroach on their territory (this could include postal workers, utility company repairmen, emergency personnel and even friends and family members they have not been acquainted with before) and their territory could extend well beyond the regular house and backyard.


Size large, long Fur, sheds medium, high energy.

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