Italian Greyhound
Italian Greyhound
Italian Greyhound


The Italian Greyhound existed in ancient Egyptian times dating back to 4,000 years ago.

Care and Health

This breed is hardy but it can still be prone to fractures if taken out on rough terrain. Has a short coat that is easy to groom and maintain.

Fun Fact

The Italian Greyhound has been depicted in many famous paintings by artists such as Giotto, Velasquez and Pisanello.

Good For

Families with children, people with active lifestyles, households with land.


Gentle and Reserved


Size small, short Fur, sheds minimal, high energy.

The Cutest Italian Greyhounds on Pet Parade

  • Tendo aka Nintendo
  • Leah
  • Luna
  • Jaxson
  • diablo
  • GIGI
  • Benni